Our enrichment program at KUA is designed to encourage kids’ exploration of a wide variety of interests. We strive to offer classes consistent with our mission of empowerment through opportunity. Students learn specific skills in a supportive, structured and fun environment with instructors who are passionate about teaching.
KUA students are offered opportunities to participate in a variety of activities, including visual and fiber art, dance and martial arts, music and performing arts, sports, culinary arts and Spanish and French language instruction. KUA’s morning classroom preparedness sessions focus on math and literacy games, STEAM activities and yoga and mindfulness. Enrichment offerings are not tied to KUA academic standards.
Enrichment staff are fully trained in their areas of expertise and receive safety/childcare training throughout the year.
Drop-off time for KUA morning enrichment and breakfast service is 7:30 a.m. Attendance is optional.
Cost: Monthly fee of $200 for KUA students, plus a yearly $20 registration fee. Scholarships are available.
Get involved!
Parent involvement is key to the success of our school and our students. There are many opportunities throughout the year that can help you make a difference.
Site Council: The KUA Site Council provides a monthly (with the exception of March and December) opportunity for genuine and transparent feedback between parents and KUA administration. While meetings don’t directly involve budgetary decisions, parents can share their concerns, listen to what is happening behind the scenes and — with everyone’s input — ensure we are all on the same page. A school cannot call itself successful when leaders, families and stakeholders do not sit at the same table. At our Site Council meetings, we show respect but aren’t afraid to show our hearts.
Volunteer: KUA loves volunteers! Individuals who would like to volunteer for field trips and in the classroom need to fill out an application online with the Medford School District. This process needs to be completed each year.
Support fundraising: Various fundraising activities take place during the school year, including collecting Box Tops for Education, the annual jog-a-thon, bottle drop and more. Additionally, KU always is looking for volunteers to find resources and gifts for the annual gala and auction.