KUA Board

The KUA school board meets once a month to provide guidance and support for our public charter school.

Comprising nine members, the Board of Kids Unlimited Academy meets once a month to provide guidance and support for our public charter school. Meetings, held in KUA’s Carrico Building, are open to the public.

KUA Board meetings generally are the last Tuesday of every month (except school holiday weeks), 7:30-9 a.m., 987 Niantic St., Medford OR 97501. There are no regular meetings in January, May, July and September

The Board hears reports at its regular meetings from KU’s CEO Tom Cole, Finance Director Cass Weiland and KUA Principal Lindsay Ochs, as well as other administrative staff and guests, including KUA students. The Board may also discuss, draft and adopt school policy at its regular meetings. Attending a KUA Board meeting can be counted toward fulfillment of each KUA family’s annual required engagement hours.

If you would like to attend a Board meeting for the purpose of sharing public comment, please contact Sarah Lemon, Director of Mission Advocacy, sarah.lemon@kuaoregon.org.

School board minutes or adopted school board policies are available upon request. Please send requests to Sarah Lemon, using the above email address.

KUA Board meeting schedule

  • Oct. 29, 2024 – 7:30 a.m.
  • Nov. 19, 2024 – Noon
  • No board meeting in December
  • Jan. 7, 2025 – 7:30 a.m.
  • Feb. 25, 2025 – Executive committee (closed meeting)
  • March 18, 2025 – 7:30 a.m.
  • April 29, 2025 – 7:30 a.m.
  • May 27, 2025 – 7:30 a.m.
  • June 17, 2025 – Executive committee (closed meeting)
  • No board meeting in July
  • Aug. 26, 2025 – 7:30 a.m.
  • Sept. 30, 2025 – 7:30 a.m.
  • Oct. 28, 2025 – 7:30 a.m.
  • Nov. 11, 2025 – Executive committee (closed meeting)

Meet our board:

Jani Hale
Jani HaleKUA Board Chair
My name is Jani Hale, and I’m proud to serve as KUA Board Chair. While Kids Unlimited began over 25 years ago, I joined KUA in 2016 as principal and officially retired in June of 2023.

Though I spent 34 years in our valley as a teacher and administrator, I grew to love the mission, the families, the programs and people of Kids Unlimited Academy. It is my personal mission as Board Chair to ensure the Kids Unlimited Academy Board continues to support the KUA values, mission and standards with fidelity.

Pat Barry
Pat BarryKUA Board treasurer
My name is Pat Barry, and I am very glad to be involved in the great work that is being done at Kids Unlimited Academy. My wife and I grew up in the Medford area and were educated in Medford public schools. We returned to the Rogue Valley in 1985 and raised two daughters who also were educated in the 549C school district. And now we have our grandchildren attending schools in Medford.

I believe strongly in the mission of KUA and believe it is important that each and every student is given an equal opportunity to learn. As a KUA School Board member, I am grateful for the opportunity to be associated with the wonderful people at Kids Unlimited Academy.

Ryan Bernard
Ryan BernardKUA Board member
Hello, I’m Ryan Bernard. My wife, Leah, and I have three girls who all attend St. Mary’s School, where I serve as President and have worked in various capacities for the past 14 years, from football coach to English teacher to vice principal. I have nearly 25 years of experience in public and private education.

When I am not working, you can find me camping with my family or cheering on my alma mater, the University of Colorado, as a proud Buffalo. I believe in the Kids Unlimited mission and have willingly served, extending a partnership between St. Mary’s School and Kids Unlimited that started years ago under my predecessor, Frank Phillips.

Gonzalo Durán
Gonzalo DuránKUA Board member
Hi, my name is Gonzalo Durán. I’ve been a part of Kids Unlimited since I was 13 years old. My involvement has been as a student, employee and community member.

I met my wife, Mayra, at KU Academy, and we have two beautiful kids, one who currently attends KUA. I am an accountant, and I enjoy challenging and growing myself.

Lisa Hutchins
Lisa HutchinsKUA Board member
Lisa Hutchins has been involved with Kids Unlimited for a long time in many different roles. She is one of the original Kids Unlimited Charter School (Vibes Charter School) staff members as the first physical education teacher. Additionally, she has played an executive role in afterschool programs, as well as event director and donor relations for Kids Unlimited.

Lisa was raised in Southern Oregon and has a passion for the kids in our community. She has taught, coached and mentored youth in our valley. She also is on the board of directors for the Grace & Kindness Foundation that raises awareness and aims to reduce the risk of youth depression and suicide. She feels honored to be on the KUA Board and a part of the Kids Unlimited family.

Larissa Medina
Larissa MedinaKUA Board member
I started volunteering at Kids Unlimited in 2004 as a mentor at Washington Elementary School afterschool program. That experience opened my eyes to the harsh realities many youth face on a daily basis. Some were in foster care or unstable housing, had a parent or both in jail, or lost to drugs, not to mention abusive backgrounds. KU was the only place these kids felt safe and protected. I quickly became an employee, to support the kids and help make their lives a little easier.

I worked at Kids Unlimited in many capacities for 10 years until I completed school and earned my nursing degree. My daughter is a fourth grader at KU Academy. My step-daughter, Katherine Mejia, was a KUA student from fifth to eighth grades and earned a scholarship to St Mary’s School. She is starting her second year of college at Fordham University in New York. I will always be an advocate for KU and KUA because I know we are invested in creating a safe environment for kids in our community and helping to shape and mold productive citizens.

Rocio Mendoza
Rocio MendozaKUA Board member
was 16 when I was hired to staff Kids Unlimited’s afterschool programs and summer camps after meeting KU’s CEO Tom Cole through a friend. Since achieving my nursing degree and working in health care, I returned to KU in 2012 to serve on its board because I truly believe in this program. They truly believe in their mission statement.
Now also serving on the board of KUA, I’m making a generational impact, including for my own daughter, Fernanda, who is a KUA fifth grader. My older daughter, Jimena, attended KUA prior to entering eighth grade this year. They and so many more Latino youth in Southern Oregon feel confident to pursue higher education and extracurricular activities through their involvement with KU.
I currently work as an associate nurse manager with Providence.
Ignacio Sanchez
Ignacio SanchezKUA Board member
My name is Ignacio Sanchez, and I am honored to be able to serve as a Kids Unlimited Academy Board member. I was initially introduced to Kids Unlimited in my youth when I volunteered at an afterschool program. I have been a witness to the transformative power of the school and its dedicated staff within the community, and I have seen the difference it has made in the lives of so many, including myself and my own children.

The opportunity at Kids Unlimited awoke a passion rooted deep within me. I felt overwhelmed with gratitude and, for the first time, I felt seen in my community. Like many children who attend KUA, English was my second language. Instead of being made to feel incapable in the classroom, these children’s family heritage is welcomed and celebrated. I’m thrilled to be working with a team of people whose passion is to grow and inspire youth within the community.