Afterschool enrichment is back, beginning Monday, Oct. 2, on the Medford Kids Unlimited Academy campus, with more fun, engaging and educational opportunities for our students.
During a weeklong pause prior to fall break, KUA leadership redesigned our afterschool structure to better meet the needs of students, parents, teachers and aides. All program staff are responsible for leading an outcome-based enrichment with clear objectives for each week. Some of our most popular activities, including dance and martial arts, will resume, joined by new options for STEAM, visual arts, media and tutoring.
Students will spend longer, uninterrupted, in their enrichment blocks with fewer transitions due to adjustments in our afterschool meal schedule. More students will eat dinner between 3:30 and 4 p.m. before beginning their enrichments. Older students will have a meal break between 4:05 and 4:30 p.m., then resume their enrichments. Busses will run as normal, and pickup must be no later than 5:30 p.m.
New this fall are Spanish-language arts and crafts and a kindness project that will connect students to the larger community. Middle school students can elect to participate in comic strip design, podcasting with Gemineye or screen-printing in our EmpowerPrint shop. KUA instructional coach Cheryl Graham will offer math tutoring. Annie’s Dance and Roarty Brothers Taekwondo are recurring KUA favorites.
There is a $50 monthly fee for KUA afterschool enrichment, plus a $20 annual registration fee. See